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DVD: Pete Seeger and Take Me To The River Children’s Community Chorus
runtime 35 minutes
$24.00 plus $4.shipping
Songs Include: Coming Round the Mtn, Sayna, Hole in the Bucket,Whimaway
Take it from Dr.King Alleluya This Land is ...
The John Stewart Tribute Concert DVD
Live from the Towne Crier Cafe, Pauling, NY
With Special Guests : Rosanne Cash, Buffy Ford-Stewart, The John Stewart Band, The Kennedy's and Jim Dawson
Gillen and Turk
"A winning match! Fred and Matt are two of the best singer-songwriters around, and together they're even more dynamic and compelling." Lisa Grey, leading radio consultant
Artist: Lisa Itts
Sourcerer ~ Lisa's most recent release... A hand-picked blend of eclectic acoustic songs, this CD takes each song and creates the perfect backdrop of music to illustrate the lyric. Sit back and enjoy this thought and feeling provoking record.
Artist: Julia Joseph
A collection of refined and quietly bewitching songs that blossom beyond the confines of traditional folk to embraces the dynamics of jazz and blues.

Jardsoul ~Release Me. 2007 Since the release of the self-titled EP Jardsoul in 2004, the band has been waiting for the right time to release their next great masterpiece. |
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